Friday, March 8, 2013

Six Months & 2013

Well…apparently I’m not the greatest at keeping up with a blog! Since the last blog, which was Thanksgiving (wow!) we've had quite a bit going on. The holidays took us through a whirlwind of festivities. First, we did Colten's first Christmas with my extended family @ Mayan Ranch in Bandera (family tradition for past 30 years!) New Years we went to Dallas/Ft Worth and saw Jonathan's side of the family. I also got a very, very overdue visit with my two college friends, Ashlee and Sami! Overall, it was so fun to introduce Colten to so many loved ones. 

So far our 2013 has been fairly uneventful. Just taking it easy, and watching our baby boy grow! 

He turned six months yesterday, and has so much personality already! He started sitting up what seemed like just overnight, and now he's pushing up trying to crawl! I have a feeling life will be getting a little busier once he figures out how to get moving! We went to his 6 month checkup yesterday and he is weighing 19.1lbs, measuring 28in! Our big boy is still at the top of the percentile charts :) He has started with solids, and he makes us laugh each time we introduce something new to his taste buds. The cutest thing we've noticed lately is how much he loves Wyatt. He can just look at Wyatt and smile, just like when he sees me or daddy. The loudest laughs we have gotten out of him have been from seeing Wyatt run around, and it's the cutest thing in the world. 

Now that everything has slowed down from the holidays, I have had more time to re-focus on the house. I've managed to squeeze in a few pinterest projects during nap time! (I have a billion more on my to do list...)

Here is a faux reclaimed wood Bath sign I painted, along with the stripes in our downstairs half bath: 
I've been getting a little crazy with the C's, this is one of like 4 or 5 around the house...I painted and distressed this one to go on the mantle: 
Painted striped curtains in the guest room - these are all over pinterest, but I thought they were so adorable (and economical!) so here is my attempt:

That's about it for now!